How wrong I was to assume this.
You see, Foresam, real name John Best, doesn't just "hate autism" - he loathes it so much that he resorts to insults and name-calling.
Look at this quote dated 17/01/2007:
I've heard more than enough from these assholes who don't want autism cured.
Er... what? Assholes? Isn't Mr Best a bit too old to be resorting to that kind of namecalling? I believe it's rather juvenile. But it gets worse. Look at this quote from the same blog:
All the neurodiverse knuckleheads who won't help their kids may well be raising
Knuckleheads? Now you're just getting to the Disney villain category insults. But wait, there's more...
Check out this quote dated 22/01/07:
This is mostly a place to bash Neurodiversity, Bush, Pharma, doctors and anybody
else who gets in the way of curing autism. Hopefully, we can have some laughs in
the process at their expense
So now Mr Best is just admitting that all he is doing in that blog of his is bashing people. That's right, bashing. He's making fun of people he doesn't know, insulting them and their beliefs. And all the while advocating his own beliefs and expecting everyone to applaud him.
Away from insults now, Mr Best is pretty much a hateful, petty man. On more than one occasion he has accused autistic people of being stupid, that they wouldn't understand why he wanted to cure them, each time insisting that he won't share why, or explain. My belief is that he can't explain, otherwise he wouldn't be so hesitant to argue his case. Am I right, Mr Best?
And look at this :
For assisting with this sham MS Bevington, I hope you die a slow, painful death
and rot in Hell.
How can anyone say such a horrible thing to another human being? Simply for being associated with a low-functioning autistic? (Note - Best does not believe Amanda Baggs is truly a low functioning autistic)
How can anyone take him seriously when all he does is hurt? On more than one occasion, he called the autistic community vegetables, idiots, and innumerable other terms. And he cliams to have a son with autism! So, when he accuses autistic people of being psychopathic murderers, I wonder if he realises that he's saying the same about his son.
I wonder if he realises that he has called his son and others like him a murderer, an idiot, a vegetable, a "neuronitwit", a knuckehead, a monkey, an asshole...?
Well all, that's it for now, and hey, Mr Best? Do your worst.
1 comment:
It is true that Mr Best does use insult and abuse to make his points. He is not alone in that regard however and many of the leading lights of the "neurodiversity" camp do the same.
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